Monday, January 16, 2012

Lv. 351+ Last Mortal Quest

Required Lv: 351~399 [Mortal]
                 Lv: 1~400 [God]

Last Mortal Quest
*Only god one

Congratz on finishing the 350 (Mortal) Quests! =)
 You should now have a good amount of gold 
so you can either continue or level up a new mortal.

Let's at least go check the quest out
Heading To Quest
You are now done with the exp quests
but thankfully the last update gave us something new!

Head over to Azran Town down past the cargo to the shop.

Look around for the Demi God NPC

I am sure you know the drill by now!
You just need to click on the guy with the hammer to go in.

-Quest lasts up to 20minutes
-This quest costs 1mil per entry
-You get tele out at :15/:35/:55 sv time
(type /time to check time)

Last Mortal Quest

This quest should be interesting hehe

There are two different mobs in this big area
Minion and Demi Lord

You can really only tell them apart from the claws they have.
The Minions hit you a little lower but seem to drop less.
If this is your first time be careful!
These things will hit you really hard.
You'll get hit anywhere from 600 up to 1200+ dmg - yikes!

-Neither mobs drops item 100% of the time
-Both of the mobs look really similar 0.0

To be honest I really don't recommend doing this quest as a mortal.
1)You really will die in 1-2hits alot so go make a new mortal/god instead
2)And the main reason - it costs 1mil gold per entry which will add up fast.

I really only suggest you do this quest up to lv 355 so you can get your set.

Quest Completed 
You will get the item Mandragora's Leaf

Go back to the Azran boat area & look next to the Demi God NPC
Look for Zangets when you collected 30.

Again - you need lots of these items & at 1mil per entry
it really is not worth it past lv 355.

I highly recommend you just go c.c. in the desert for exp!

Gods can do this quest too
Celestial/Soul/Reborn cannot do quest/use item.

Celestial Guide I

Required Lv: 400 Mortal & God (356-400)

Celestial Upgrades
"So just what makes the celestial far strong than a god" - you may be wondering. 
Here are some awesome advantages:

1) The main upgrade to the Celestial that makes it so much stronger is the skill Soul of Limits
So how exactly does this skill work?
Each celestial has a certain soul type which you can change. 
(i.e. int or int/con) 
Soul will increase either 1 or 2 of your stats!

During the duration of the skill:
  •  One Stat: increased by 140%  (i.e. 1000 str goes to 2400 str)
  • Two Stats: split to 80%/60% on each (1000int/2000con -> 1800int and 3200 con)

-Soul of Limits lasts 90 seconds at Lv. 1
-The skill delay is approximately 15minutes
-Delay is decreased by 3min when you unlock at Lv. 90 
-You can only use Soul of Limits after buying an 8th skill
-Each level up to lv. 40 will increase the skill duration by 8sec.

Next we have the gorgeous cape that the Celestial character mounts.

Unfortunately, the beauty of this cape comes with a cost.
You can't upgrade it normally.
Celestial Cape Stats +0:
*200 def
*220 HP

-The cape will be white but will change to the color of your Guild Leader*
(*if you are in guild!) 
How To Upgrade Your Celestial Cape

You need a total of 4 items:
2xLocked Seals

Magic Seal

4x Laks

Next go to Odin NPC in the New Continent & place the items in the order above.
Each upgrade will increase your cape by one +.

-Cape can be upgraded to +9 max
-Each + increase the def by 20 and hp by 22
-The upgrade process to + cape has 100% success

3)The final little thing the Celestials have over the gods is the shiny head ^_^!
(aka circlet/crown)
Each celestial will receive one when they are reborn as Celestials.
There are 3 different ones:
Silver Circlet: Lv. 356~380 god 80def

Gold Circlet: Lv.381~399 god 90def  

Mystic Circlet: Lv. 400 god 110def

Look above!!!
Mystic Circlet is the best one so be sure
to make Celestial when your god is Lv. 400

~Notes!~-The crown can be upgraded up to +9 (later +15!)
-Celestials receive a second Mystic Circlet after unlocking at lv. 90
-Circlet can gain bonus additional stats as you level up your soul character
-The circlet can be traded, trashed, autotraded, and sold to the NPC.
-The circlet does not get the extra gem attribute at +10.
-The AD/PD never changes of circlet (even at +15)

Now that you know what makes the Celestial so great - Let's begin making the Ideal Stone!

 I'll be break it down into steps so bear with me!

1) Making the Secret Stones

You need to have the 4 secret stones to begin!

Each of there stones is made from 7 different runes(24total)
when you place them into the Odin NPC in New Continent:

 You can get various runes from Clue of Runes Quest


2)Get a god pack !

Not to hard now right? ^_^ 
You can either buy it or make one yourself!

3) Go to the king!!!!

The final step now is to wear the god pack and have the 4 secret stones in your inventory :)
(My first Celestial way back!)

Talk to the king so he combines your 6 items into the Ideal Stone :)

Your mortal needs to be lv 400 to make celestial.

And finally . . . Right click it !!

Congratz you now have a Celestial !!!:)

~Last Notes!~
-The Celestial is the same class as your god.
-Your god character becomes the Celestial character.
-A lv120 Celestial can make a Soul Character - can be of any class
-Your god just went from 400 to lv1! - attack, map, mana, & hp will drop
-Do the lv 355 quest to receive all 2605 stats points as the reborn celestial lv1
-You CANNOT* get the stats points lost back from not doing the lv355 quests as a god
(*Until level 100+ celestial)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lv. 200 Celestial Quests

Required Lv: 200 Celestial/Soul/Reborn

Lv. 200 Celestial Quests

Finally you hit 200 after those long shares you went through!

Let's me just say Congratulations!
Level 200 on just 1 character is very hard work! :o

Let's now look at what you will gain =)

First off!

 Before we get into the quest just know that you get the
1st benefit of being 200 just by reaching it
Soul of Limits skill now lasts 13min!
(great for hunting & gw)

-Only the character with Lv. 200 will have 13min soul
-Soul/Cele/Reborn under Lv. 200 will have normal 400sec.
-There is still a 15min delay on Soul of Limits.
(2min until you can use soul again!)

Arcane Quest

A level 200 celestial can upgrade their Mystic Circlet
into a far better circlet - Arcane Circlet with improved stats.
To try the Arcane Quest you need :

500 fame
(50 warrior seals)
Stone of Fury
All 4 Secret Stones
This quest is really not easy. Not only because of the 500 fame &
 wind stone that it costs - but also because it fails, alot.

On average people take 5 times to pass it.
My guess is the pass rate is around 30% success.

-The crown must be Mystic Circlet to go to Arcane.
-I suggest you make the Mystic at +10 or higher before trying.
-You can do this quest with Cele/Soul/Reborn as long as it is 200.
-You can only do this quest once per character.
-500 Fame is gone - pass or fail.

Celestial Stats Quests
Yes that is quests - more than one :P
You can do the Cele Stats Quest to get 200 extra stats for your character
& you can do the quest three times total.

Items Needed
To start you can only do this after passing the Arcane Quest :P

After that you will need:

1000 fame
Stone of Fury
20mil exp
Just have the one-thousand fame
& then click the Stone of Fury! :D

This cannot fail so after you finish,
get the stuff read for the next tow tries ^_^.

-Your exp must be over 4bil to try this.
-You can only try after passing Arcane Quest.
-You will delevel if you have below 4bil exp after doing 1 quest.
-Both soul+cele get the stats (doesnt matter who tries it.)
-1,000 Fame is used up per pass.

That is it for being 200!
Either go lv up the other character to 200, reborn, or
start trying to +12 your equip :D

Imbuing God Equipment

God Equipment

Okay guys!!
It is time to start making your future set :D

First of all, what is imbuing?

Imbuing just means transering stats from any D grade (or E)
armor to god armor (with stats or not).

Below are the different GOD armor for each class:
Why Imbue?

God armor has the highest defense possible.
Alot higher than D grade and even more than E set.

Also only God and Celestial Character can use this advanced armor &
special items like Upgraders can only be used on god armor.
(+11 and above)

Unlike D-E armor,
All god armor has same defense for all classes.
*Mortals cannot use god armor


How to Imbue

To try to imbue you need a mortal armor piece +9 and god one +9.
They must be for the same class and same type of  piece.

Here is an example :)

Both the piece need to be +9

I do suggest trying to get the best normal possible stat
since imbuing a piece can be very expensive !!!

Up to +15 God armor can be used to imbue.
CAREFUL !!! :o

You will also need 4xglitter stones
(not too hard to get!)


Head over to Azran and find NPC Akata

Place the item in the box like below.

Click combine!
Ganbatte :D


The god armor will be +7 with stat D or E armor had.


God armor piece +9 & Glitters stones are destroyed.

*Pass or fail, god piece + glitters are gone.
*No matter what + the god piece is, passing will make it +7.

Passing imbue

Okay so far imbue should not sound too expensive,
but what is the success rate of imbue?

That depends on the type of armor being using & its grade.

Below shows the pass rate with the type of armor you are using.

I suggesting getting the higher D grade to try imbue.
Also use Adam Ore to increase pass rate :)

~Last notes!~
*Using +10 armor as the 2nd piece inc pass rate by 18%.
*Using a +11 armor piece increases pass rate by 26%
*LE E armor has higher pass rate but is not available yet.
*God Armor with or without stats can be imbued and will always be +7 if pass.