Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lv. 200 Celestial Quests

Required Lv: 200 Celestial/Soul/Reborn

Lv. 200 Celestial Quests

Finally you hit 200 after those long shares you went through!

Let's me just say Congratulations!
Level 200 on just 1 character is very hard work! :o

Let's now look at what you will gain =)

First off!

 Before we get into the quest just know that you get the
1st benefit of being 200 just by reaching it
Soul of Limits skill now lasts 13min!
(great for hunting & gw)

-Only the character with Lv. 200 will have 13min soul
-Soul/Cele/Reborn under Lv. 200 will have normal 400sec.
-There is still a 15min delay on Soul of Limits.
(2min until you can use soul again!)

Arcane Quest

A level 200 celestial can upgrade their Mystic Circlet
into a far better circlet - Arcane Circlet with improved stats.
To try the Arcane Quest you need :

500 fame
(50 warrior seals)
Stone of Fury
All 4 Secret Stones
This quest is really not easy. Not only because of the 500 fame &
 wind stone that it costs - but also because it fails, alot.

On average people take 5 times to pass it.
My guess is the pass rate is around 30% success.

-The crown must be Mystic Circlet to go to Arcane.
-I suggest you make the Mystic at +10 or higher before trying.
-You can do this quest with Cele/Soul/Reborn as long as it is 200.
-You can only do this quest once per character.
-500 Fame is gone - pass or fail.

Celestial Stats Quests
Yes that is quests - more than one :P
You can do the Cele Stats Quest to get 200 extra stats for your character
& you can do the quest three times total.

Items Needed
To start you can only do this after passing the Arcane Quest :P

After that you will need:

1000 fame
Stone of Fury
20mil exp
Just have the one-thousand fame
& then click the Stone of Fury! :D

This cannot fail so after you finish,
get the stuff read for the next tow tries ^_^.

-Your exp must be over 4bil to try this.
-You can only try after passing Arcane Quest.
-You will delevel if you have below 4bil exp after doing 1 quest.
-Both soul+cele get the stats (doesnt matter who tries it.)
-1,000 Fame is used up per pass.

That is it for being 200!
Either go lv up the other character to 200, reborn, or
start trying to +12 your equip :D

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