Thursday, March 29, 2012

God Character I

Require Level: 256~400 Mortal
 God Character 

Finished the 350 Quests? Great!
 Time to start making your God Character =)

Let's start getting the items together!!!
The Eternal Stone & Sephirot:
Eternal Stone

The Eternal Stone is is actually made by two other stones:
The Unicorn & Phoenix Spirit

Naturally you will have to go hunt a strong Boss for them =p

Unicorn Spirit
Time to head to the desert for this one!
Find Boss Rujeper Broken in front of D.D.

Rujeper Broken hits really, really hard.
Even a mortal with a +11 set I doubt you could tank him
so you will need to bring a summoner BM to help in hunting it.

Hunt this Boss on the server with the highest drop rate & on a 3x drop rate
otherwise I highly recommend buying it from someone!

Rujeper is the commonly hunted to get the stone 
but almost all clue Bosses are known to drop it sometimes too

Phoenix Stone
Now for the second half & the easier one too!
There are actually 4 Bosses that can drop this one so take your pick hehe 

Lich Vatama/ Crunt  
 These two reapers can be found in Desert Dungeon (D.D.)

Frenzy Demon Lord 
Head to the end of the Underworld dungeon to try to find this guy!
He can sometimes be hard to find lolz
Dark Shadow
DS found in SnowField Castle

Combining Uni & Phoenix Spirit

Alright! Two stones ready so let's go put them together =)
 So first off you will need to get the glue.

10 Sapphires 
You can either hunt them or to go your kingdom NPC to buy a 10 pack
(Blue/Red capes type /kingdom warp to it - warp scroll needed)

Next up run to your King or type /king to teleport to him.
Find the Oracle NPC click on it to combine the stones.

Eternal stone combined & half way done =)

You will have to run to the either kingdom & King if you have white or no cape.
Just be sure not to attack the kingdom guards or they might kill you lolz


There is a reason that I put the Sephirot process second.
You actually cannot make it unless you already have the Eternal Stone!

It's time to go hunting for a couple closed Ore stones.
You need to make different Ores from Stone of Sephira.
There are total 8 different Ores called
"Stone of Orc Lord Trooper"
"Stone of Skeleton Warrior"
"Stone of Bone Dragon",
"Stone of Demon Lord"
"Stone of Mantrap"
"Stone of Fire Gargoyle"
"Stone of Rujeper Broken"
"Stone of Frenzy Demon Lord"
Likewise the mob it's named after drops it!

So it's not as simple as just finding the Ores like it was for the Eternal Stone parts.
You need to open each Ore you find to make the open God Stones.

You can open the closed Ores with Ori or Lak Powders, which can fail.
I highly recommend just using ori powders since they are cheaper!

The problem/advantage is that each closed Ore
has a possibility of become one of four different open God Stones:
This chart I modified shows the name of the open God Stone & mob that drops it.

The Orc Lord Trooper Ore can become:
-Kocuna 56% chance
-Veean   24% chance
-Keced  12% chance
-Gebra    3% chance

A few mobs are very strong Bosses so go after the easier Ores & try to open them.
They might become one of the ones you normally get from the strong Bosses.

Making Sephirot

Okay so you finally gathered all the God Stones,
Time to put them all together!

Equip the Eternal Stone & find a Skill Master in Armia Town

The Skill Master will decide which class your God Character will be so choose wisely!!

Once you decide find the Skill Master & have 30Mil Gold ready click on the NPC:
You will be asked to confirm & then the Sephirot will be made =)
You must have the Eternal Stone equipped or
 the Skill Master will not ask if you want to make the Sephirot!

Becoming A God

So you are all set now!
Equip the Eternal Stone & Sephirot then head to your King.
Click on your King & confirm.

You should be taken to the character selection screen with your new God char created!
Congratz on your new God!~~!! =)

You can go to either King if you have a white or no cape!
Also the new god will have the same body as the mortal who made it
but the skill it has will be chosen by the Sephirot used to make it.

The God Character is a separate character from the original mortal.
You need at least 1 extra slot in your character selection screen to make a god.
You can make more than 1 God character from the same Mortal.  
The new God lv1 & Mortal with both have the same name.

Friday, March 23, 2012



"The test of good citizenship is loyalty to country. "
-Bainbridge Colby

Similarly, becoming a citizen of a Server shows your loyalty
and with that you will gain certain advantages while being in that Server.

Becoming Citizen 
You first need to become a citizen of a server to gain the benefits (obviously!)
Mortals actually can do this for free - just type /getout
You should see this message on top:
Then simply change to the Sv. you want the new citizen:
And Wah-La~!
You will automatically have citizen of that channel =)


Everyone else will need to also type /getout
and then find the Civil Delegate NPC in Armia

Click on her to get a MSG asking if you want to join!

Click Confirm to get citizen of that channel but it's not free.
The cost of joining a channel is 5mil + an extra % 
based on how many people are citizens of that server.

Citizenship Benefits

So you joined the server for a reason
And that first bonus should be very obvious!
Bonus Drop

You can see how much bonus drop in a Sv. when you first log in.

You will get bonus drop rate as long as you hunt on that channel! =)

No matter how high the drop bonus of a channel
 you won't gain any benefits from it if you aren't citizen of it.

Sell to NPC

Mortals can already do this on any channel.
But Gods/Cele/Soul/Masters can only sell items to NPC on Sv. of their citizen.

Civil Chat

Players will be able to see & use the Civil Chat of their Sv.

You can participate too by typing @ "msg here"

Bonus Exp!

When the bonus drop rate of a channel is 80+
SDians will get 20% more exp on that channel! =)

Take full advantage & go C.C. in desert
or get your Water A boxers to be citizens of that channel !!!

Water A boxers can be citizen of the channel with 80+
drop rate & all the members will receive the benefit from them killing.



Tax in SD affect everyone just like in real life.
And usually it also benefits those who are in power. 

But it seems alot of people are not aware of how taxes work
so let's go over all the ways so you can save yourself some gold :)

 Checking Tax

Taxes may vary from town to town due to different guilds owning them & setting tax.
So tax from Armia, Azran, Erion, SnowField, & Noutan may not be same.

To find how much tax in a town just check a store NPC.

You will see the tax to the right of the item price.
Tax can range from 0~20%

 Auto Trade 

You can open up a shop to sell your items while you AFK.

Any items you sell will have whatever the tax is taken from your profits.
So let's say tax=10% you sell 10Laks for 50mil
You will end up with 50mil-5mil(TAX) = 45mil 

This is alot especially if you sell many things through auto.
Once you sell 1Bil worth of items, you would have lost 100mil!
Check TAX on the town you want to set auto shop in.
Move to different town if tax is over 5%!!!

 Buying or Selling from Shop NPC

Say you want to buy Potions or Sapphires.
You will need to pay whatever the price of those items + extra tax!

 You may not notice when buying stuff that does not cost too much
but if you are buying sapphire packs to reset, it will really add up!


You might be doing the opposite & selling things to the NPC
like Ori Powders or all the garbage armor from exp quests.

With a 10% TAX you would only get 720k gold =(

Try to find a server with 0~5% TAX if you plan on
 buying or selling items with NPC that are expensive.
Hidden TAX

Oh, so you maybe you don't mind the 10% TAX in the town you autotrade in?
Guess what?
You're probably paying a higher tax!

You get TAXED 5% more in a town if:
  • You have no cape
  • You have white cape
  • You have cape opposite of the guild who owns town.
So for example, say you set up shop on Sv2 that is Red Cape with 10% TAX.
You then used your main char (Blue Cape) or a separate account with Lv.1 to sell your items.

You are now being charged 10%+5%=15%TAX

(i.e.) Sell 10laks for 50mil 
50M -7.5M TAX = 42.5M =(

This applies for you buying or selling your items with the NPC too!

Taxes charged to a players are collect in each town
and are collected by the Guild Leader who owns that town after the GW.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Mortal Soul Of Limits

Required Level:    1~369 

Mortal Soul

So that coveted skill Soul of Limits that makes Celestials 
what they are can actually also be gotten by mortals too!

You might be guessing already that it cannot be exactly the same as the Celestial version. 
You would be right! There are actually 2 different mortal Soul skills too.

Civil Soul of Limits

Mortals between the level at low as Lv. 1 & up to Lv. 369
can get a temporary Soul from the Civil Delegate.

Simply go to whichever Sv you are citizen of & find the Civil Delegate NPC.
You can only do this during the Channel War time (CW):
21:00~22:00 Sv time

At a cost of 1 Lak scrap you will get the Soul skill for One Hour.

Type /time to check Sv time.

Like I mentioned earlier mortal soul works different.
The Civil Soul of Limit will actually make your:
HP - will become 10k
Str - will become 2k
Int - will become 2k

This soul does not add stats!
Instead that stat (STR/INT) will become 2,000.

This also means if your have over 2k on STR/INT 
it will goes lower to 2k on it once you get soul.
(i.e.) 2300 Str + Soul = 2k Str

 Mortal Soul of Limits

This one is actually the official Soul of Limits & will take your mortal to the next level.

 You need to be at least Lv. 370 & you will need a Secret Stone.
The Secret Stone you need depends on your class:

Next, go find your Civil Delegate once you have your SS ready!
Just click on her & confirm.

You should then be taken to the char selection screen
& there will be a glowing light next to your character hehe

Along with the new Sephira skill
You will also get the final mortal cape :)

This cape has the same stats as a Celestial cape!

So you now have the Soul Sephira skill that is similar to the Celestial one.
You can set it to increase 1 or 2 stats depending on your needs.

Gather the gems you need then go visit the NPC in Erion.

*Mortal Soul had a skill delay of 15min
*Soul can add a max of 2k stats for 1 stat
*Inc % rates for stats is lower than Cele Soul
*Soul skill lasts 400 sec & time cannot be increased

Khepra Dead Soul

You get Soul Skill for 1hour when you're citizen of Sv & Khepra dies.
This is just something extra the type of Soul you get is just one of the previous two.
Lv 1~369 - Get 1Hour Civil Mortal Soul
Lv 370+ - Get whatever Soul they have set for 1Hour

Each 8th skill comes preset with a stat(s) that Soul Skill will increase.
This is that stat that will be inc when Khepra dies if you 
did not set your Soul stat or do not have Soul skill!