Friday, December 30, 2011

Lv. 116 God's Garden [350 Quest]

Required Lv: 116~190

God's Garden [350 Quest]

Congratz do you!
Finished your first Exp Quest in SD.
You should be a bit stronger than before and 
have a good amount of gold so grab some warp scrolls & gem.

Time to head to the next one!
Heading To Quest
The next quest is in Azran field but at this point maybe you only know Armia Town.
Head on over to the teleport in the middle of Armia Town.

Now take the teleport at the end to go to Azran Town

Once there you will head towards the far left to Azran's town exit

Open up your map with "M" to make sure you are in the correct exit
Note: Go explore Azran if this is your first time here =)

Finding the next exp quest is easy like the first one.
Just go in a straight line from here to get to the back of the quest.

Either go left or right then up to find the A gardner NPC

Remember to save your warp spot and let's begin!

Note: You will respawn in Azran Town if you die along the way.

God's Garden
You maybe noticed that this quest are is alot smaller than the graveyard.
Don't worry there are alot of quest mobs & you will get acquainted with other SDians.

Your "friends" here are the carbunkles 
Carbunkle High & High Carbunkle

 (creative names huh?)

Anyway, just like last time the shiny one will always drop the quest item.
Sometimes they are hard to spot since they look similar to the normal ones.

This second exp quest is kind of easy.
Just use the armor [C] grade armor that was given to you.

The bunnies should die in 1-2 hits.

Unlike the last quest this garden gets full of SDians 
So just kill any carbs aka "bunnies" that spawn for quest items.

 Note: Boss drops quest item 100% of the time
*Quest resets every 10 minutes.

Quest Completed 
 Bunnies will drop Tears of Angel

Right click on them to gain +60k exp 
(2x what the last quest gave ^_^)

Bonus - 20k gold from each one!
This'll add up even quicker :)

Other Drops

You will get alot of [C] & lower [D] grade armor from this quest.
Save any of the [D] stuff with near perfect stats - especially if it's armor for your class.
Note: Sell any other armor to the NPC for some extra gold

Besides armor you will find lot of scraps - save them.
Once you hit lv 191 go to the next Exp Quest Revival of the Dark Knight

Final Notes: 
  • There are 4"spots" - each one in a corner of the quest area 
  • This Quest tends to get crowded so kill smaller mobs while you wait =p
  • You will level up fast so do not forget to do the Lv.101 quest for your first cape! 

Lv. 40 Spirit Guardian [350 Quest]

Required Lv: 40~115

Spirit Guardian [350 Quest]

Welcome to Supreme Destiny ! 
You must be here if you are new to the game =)

You are just starting off your journey as a mortal & here in SD mortals
can level up their character to get stronger with the 350 Quests - aka Exp Quests. 

Let's first find the first quest!
Heading To Quest
You should remember the first town you saw after making your character.
This town is called Armia and it's just one out of the 4 major towns in SD.

Find the gate in the top of the town that leads you outside of the town.

Next run just outside the town where the bridge is.

Hit "M" on your keyboard to bring up your mini map to see you are in the right place

Finding the first quest is a piece of cake! ^_^
Facing the area above just run straight ahead & you will get there!

The place is a large graveyard so you cannot miss it!
Find the A grave keeper NPC - he will let you inside if you meet the requirements.

Note: If you die along the way, you'll respawn in Armia Town.
 Spirit Guardian

You will battle zombies/skeleton thingies to earn your reward!
Two different mobs live in this graveyard.
The smaller Skelton is weaker with less atk & hp but they aren't your main target.

The shiny golden SoulSkelton will give you the quest item so aim for them!
You should kill the smaller one while the Boss respawn though =)

You should have no problem with this the Boss as long as you are using the weapon & 
set you got as a reward from leveling up on your way to Lv.40 
It is the first quest so it should be easy! ^_^

Quest Area
There are 4 main areas in the graveyard besides the middle 

You might see other people in quest so be sure to say hi!

This exp quest is actually the largest too so you should not see it crowded.

 Note: Boss drops quest item 100% of the time
but you can also get it sometimes from the smaller skeletons
Also the quest resets every 10 minutes.

Quest Completed 

The boss with drop the Box of Wisdom

Right click on the box to get +30k exp from each one.

Also each box will give you 10k gold :)
It may sound like a tiny amount but it adds up!

So here is how the Exp Quests work.

->You will go into the quests & kill Boss/mob to get quest item
->Each Exp Quest resets after 10minutes - based on server time
->Once it resets you need to go back again to NPC that let you in
->You should continue to do the quest until you reach the Lv. limit

Note: Only mortal characters can use the exp quest items.

Pro Tip!
You will have to constantly keep going back to the quest until you reach the maximum level when the guard does not let you in anymore. You can imagine that it will be a while until you get to this point lol

There is way to get to the quest quicker 
but you'll need to get to it one time first!

In Armia town go through the portal in the middle of the town.

Now go to the left & you will see a couple of NPC's
Talk to Hestia!

You need to buy two things: 10Pack Warp Scrolls & Gem Of Lodestar
(50k gold each! *before tax)

The gem let you save a point that you can teleport to with these warp scrolls.
You should use the gem right outside the graveyard guard =)

~The reason I mentioned this after is because you needed to get there once 
& you probably did not have enough gold to buy these items before the quest.

Final Notes:
You cannot use the gem to save a spot inside the quest.
This'll be true for any quest & some higher Lv. zones in game later.
Also, remember this! Since you will need to do it for each Exp Quest after.
The exp quest's boss reward can only be used in the require lv to get inside quest

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lv. 321 Beginning of Unhappiness [350 Quest]

Required Lv: 321~351

Beginning of Unhappiness [350 Quest]

Reread the quest name.
Remember it. 

Final Exp. Quest!

You should feel & be alot stronger now than when you first began.
Especially with those +20 stats you started to gain per level now. 
You should be able to go in there & kick some ass!
But remember this is the last one and look again at the title :)

Anyways let's waste no time!
You must be anxious to start now ^_^.

Heading To Quest
 You might of recalled this last quest is also in a dungeon.
It's actually in Under World Dungeon - which you maybe have not been to yet.

We could go the straight path there but who has time for that?
We are in a hurry! 
(+ you also have some money after the last snake quest :)

 Go to Erion & buy the Under World Hunting scrolls

Scroll down to the second Water Elemental & teleport to it

 Open up your map to see how close you are & head there =p

Remember to save your warp spot outside!

Ready, set, GO!
Click on A guard NPC to begin your unhappiness

  Beginning of Unhappiness

As soon as you get inside, run.
Try running to one of the corners in the room.

 Your buddies are the DarkElves & DarkElfMasters

 The smaller DarkElves are aggressive, run fast, and love to swarm you. 
(They will usually chase you if you are within a 5 attack range from them) 

Depending on your class they'll hit you around 400-600 dmg each & they are not slow to attack.

The Master will hit around 100 more than the smaller elf so be careful.
Thankfully they will ignore you as long as you do not hit them first.  

Although this is a PK ZONE & despite the quest area being small
you really should not see many people trying to pk one another.
Most of your time will be spent running or killing the boss.

The good news is that you've had time to build up your character for a while now.
->Melee characters with high dex builds will see occasional misses from the elves.
->High int and str characters should be able to take out the elves quickly in 2~3 hits

 I highly recommend you add enough con to bring your hp over 1k.
That should be enough for you to take at least 2 hits (with pots kicking in).

Note: Expect to die at every level up until the end of the quest. 
Also, low dex melee & map characters will have the hardest time here. 

Quest Completed 

You will get the Elf's Spirit Stone from the mobs

This wonderful stone gives you +500k exp =)
 Honestly +100k exp from the last quest is not much compared the last Hydra quest
but as this is the final exp quest you cannot really complain.

The amazing added bonus it the +50k gold per Elf's Spirit Stone.
Trust me this really adds up - especially since now even level requires more exp. 

Note: You will get 2mil per level from quest item
*You do the math ;)
Other Drops

Armor does not drop here as much as the previous Hydra quest 
but sometimes you might get a piece with near perfect stats you should keep
(even if you cannot find a use for it, you can always try to sell it later!)

This quest also is known to often drop Smilodon eggs & ess.

Note: The ess are not worth much but save them!
As for the egg, maybe keep one if you find a 2 crit one
otherwise sell them to the NPC for a bit of gold

 Class Specific Info/Notes/Guide

Coming soon!~
 Im sure to spend lots of time doing each quest for gold etc so eventually 
I will get through all the classes & be able to fill in specific info for each one; 
TK(melee&mk), BM(elem,summoner,&melee), FM(map,battle,blood?),
Final Notes: 
  •  The Exp Quest resets every 10min 
  • Expect to die alot in this specific exp quest
  • This guide assumed you were just starting & have basic EQ
  • Highly recommended you stick to the sides/corners and atk the mobs 1 by 1

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lv. 266 Immortality of Hydra [350 Quest]

Required Lv: 266-320

266 Immortality of Hydra [350 Quest] 

Hurray! Depending on which class & build you picked
the last exp quest must have been really hectic for you.

If that was the case then you will be quite surprised in this next exp quest
& you might find that the biggest challenge is not the quest mobs themselves 0.0

Anywayz, let's begin!
You will see what I mean soon ;)


Heading To Quest
Remember when I mentioned from now on all the exp quests would be in dungeons? hehe
You actually already been to the area where this next one is located - you just didn't know it =p

Darkness Dungeon is the place where you can find the next quest.
It's even on the same floor as the previous quest :)

Actually right from the entrance you could go straight, heading to the back,
and get to the 4th exp quest but by now you should have some gold.
Let's take a small shortcut ^_^

Head over to Erion to pick up Dark Dungeon Hunting Scrolls

Scrolls down to the Skeleton Knight & teleport to it

Then just open up your map to see that you are right next to it!

Head on over to it! 
Waste no time :) Talk to the A scout NPC to start!
 (Remember to set your warp location ^_^)

 Immortality of Hydra
As soon as you go in you'll see that now you are in a small watery room
with lots of snakes moving around. Yes that's right! This quest area is very small.
Just kidding =p
Look closely at the pipes to see stairs into the other areas.

Your enemies here are the Hydras and Golden Hydras

The shiny boss has alot of hp & it hits harder than the KaizenKnight. 
Also these snakes poison you with each hit. 
The great news is they attack & move really slowly.
Also the smaller Hydras have low hp so 1-2 hits they'll go down.

 This is a great break from the last tough exp quest
but in reality there are only 4 rooms you can hunt in.

This is a PK ZONE
Since the snakes die fast and spots are fewer, people will constantly try to pk.
This quest actually has the most PK-ing from any of them.
Also like last time I recommend not trying to attack back if possible.
There is a greater gap of level difference up to lv 320 
so there is a high chance you'll at a disadvantage.

Quest Completed 
You will get the Blood Eye from the snakes.

These beautiful red gems give you +400k exp ^_^

Maybe you'll think only +100k more exp is not that much
but the snakes die so fast that you will fill your bags fast :)

The other amazing bonus is that 40k gold per Blood Bye.
Trust me - it will really add up.

Note: Past Lv. 300+ you will get 20 stats per level ^_^

 Class Specific Info/Notes/Guide

Coming soon!~
 Im sure to spend lots of time doing each quest for gold etc so eventually 
I will get through all the classes & be able to fill in specific info for each one; 
TK(melee&mk), BM(elem,summoner,&melee), FM(map,battle,blood?),

Alternative Route

The only alternative route would be the one without the hunting scroll.
That path takes too long & 1mil for the scrolls saves you lots of time =)

Final Notes: 
  •  The Exp Quest resets every 10min 
  • Expect to get PK-ed alot in this specific quest
  • This guide assumed you were just starting & have basic EQ
  • There really are only 4 rooms you can "park" your char where Boss spawns

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lv. 191 Revival of the Dark Knight [350 Quest]

Required Lv: 191-265

Revival of the Dark Knight [350 Quest]

So now you just finished the easy garden quest & it was pretty fast
so you might be thinking all the exp quest are going a piece of cake =)

You're about to be in for a big surprise!!

Depending on your class & build 
you might die at every level up until the end =p


Heading To Quest

So far you have been to the Lv.40 graveyard Lv.119 garden quest
both in the open fields of Armia & Azran but all the next ones ares in SD's dungeons.

Time to go into the maze-like place where you might get lost, Darkness Dungeon.
Hopefully with my help you will be there in no time =)

So first off head to the teleport to the right of Aki - it will take you to Armia Field
Okay now time to head to the dungeon entrance! 
Open up your map to see that you are so so close to it already =)

So run into the Orc military base 
& find the dragon skull entrance in the far top left.

Step into the mouth to begin your journal! =p

Darkness Dungeon

Remember I said this dungeon is like a maze? 
Don't get too lost!

Never been to this dungeon? Go on & explore around :)
Just know that there are 2 levels of the dungeon & eventually you will reach some really strong mobs.

Anyway time to Begin!
Open up your map & see that you are trying to get to the exact opposite spot 
on the map from where you are now.

You can almost head down a straight line and reach it :)

Next up you keep your map open again
and you will try to reach the bridge on the top left of your map.

You will know when you are in the right place
when you are greeted by the old man next to the bridge =p

Cross the bridge then open your map again =)
You will again try to head to the next bridge on the top left.

You should pass up a couple of volcanoes before making it there lolz

This time you will be greeted by a couple of snakes & some archers.

So cross the bridge once more & bring up the map for the last time!
(Almost there)

After running right, left, & then right again you should see the A scout NPC

You have come a long long way so remember to save your warp point right next to him!
Ready!? Talk to him to begin the Dark Knight Quest!

Revival of the Dark Knight

Right away you should see the 2 mobs you'll soon love or hate =)

Here are the SkeletonKnight & KaizenKnight - your target is the shiny one!


Go ahead hit one =)

You'll see the big gap in difficulty of this quest compared to the last two.

At this point they most likely will 1Hit KO you.
Luckily they aren't aggressive & atk slow in between hits.
You should struggle in this quest up until Lv.220 when you get your next cape.

 I really recommend getting 100 con into your stat points for this quest.
Head to Erion town in case you need to restat & talk to Restat Master NPC

So back in the quest if you keep dying alot, try hitting the smaller ones.
They only sometimes drop the quest item but should hit you for lower dmg.

Start from here on all the exp quest are now in a PK ZONE.
This means if you KillSteak or the other person is a dick he can kill you.

You can always hit the "K" key to turn on PK Mode but I don't recommend it!
This quest has a wide gap from 190's up to 260's 
so chances are the other guy has a big advantage.

Want to fight back against a quest bully? 
You can always go back & let him kill you a couple of times.
The bully will lose 3cp each time he kills you so keep coming back ^_^.
(type /cp to check your chaos points)

Eventually when chaos points start to go negative players will start to lose def, dex, & hp.
So the bully should either stop or be very weakened if he's stupid enough to keep killing you.

Note: Your cp goes up each time you level up +5 points.
When cp does negative & you die, you might drop items in your inventory.
Also the above does not help if he is only KSing you T__T

Quest Completed
You are will get the Heart of Kaizen

This lovely heart will give you an awesome +300k exp ^_^

A great added bonus you get 30k gold per heart!
(you will need it to buy potions lolz)

You will level up really quickly with 300k exp per heart so
at level 220 be sure to go do the Medal of Kingdom Quest!
(you will need the new cape's defense + hp boost!!^_^)

Note: Once you hit Lv.256 you will get 10 stats per Lv. until Lv. 300 :)

Once you hit lv 266 go to the next Exp Quest Immortality of Hydra
 Class Specific Info/Notes/Guide

Coming soon!~
 Im sure to spend lots of time doing each quest for gold etc so eventually 
I will get through all the classes & be able to fill in specific info for each one; 
TK(melee&mk), BM(elem,summoner,&melee), FM(map,battle,blood?),

Alternative Route

There really are none even with the help of hunting scrolls.
The closest it will get you will be near the entrance of Darkness Dungeon.

Final Notes: 
  •  The Exp Quest resets every 10min (All of them do =p)
  • There really are only 4 spots you can "park" your char where Boss spawns