Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lv. 191 Revival of the Dark Knight [350 Quest]

Required Lv: 191-265

Revival of the Dark Knight [350 Quest]

So now you just finished the easy garden quest & it was pretty fast
so you might be thinking all the exp quest are going a piece of cake =)

You're about to be in for a big surprise!!

Depending on your class & build 
you might die at every level up until the end =p


Heading To Quest

So far you have been to the Lv.40 graveyard Lv.119 garden quest
both in the open fields of Armia & Azran but all the next ones ares in SD's dungeons.

Time to go into the maze-like place where you might get lost, Darkness Dungeon.
Hopefully with my help you will be there in no time =)

So first off head to the teleport to the right of Aki - it will take you to Armia Field
Okay now time to head to the dungeon entrance! 
Open up your map to see that you are so so close to it already =)

So run into the Orc military base 
& find the dragon skull entrance in the far top left.

Step into the mouth to begin your journal! =p

Darkness Dungeon

Remember I said this dungeon is like a maze? 
Don't get too lost!

Never been to this dungeon? Go on & explore around :)
Just know that there are 2 levels of the dungeon & eventually you will reach some really strong mobs.

Anyway time to Begin!
Open up your map & see that you are trying to get to the exact opposite spot 
on the map from where you are now.

You can almost head down a straight line and reach it :)

Next up you keep your map open again
and you will try to reach the bridge on the top left of your map.

You will know when you are in the right place
when you are greeted by the old man next to the bridge =p

Cross the bridge then open your map again =)
You will again try to head to the next bridge on the top left.

You should pass up a couple of volcanoes before making it there lolz

This time you will be greeted by a couple of snakes & some archers.

So cross the bridge once more & bring up the map for the last time!
(Almost there)

After running right, left, & then right again you should see the A scout NPC

You have come a long long way so remember to save your warp point right next to him!
Ready!? Talk to him to begin the Dark Knight Quest!

Revival of the Dark Knight

Right away you should see the 2 mobs you'll soon love or hate =)

Here are the SkeletonKnight & KaizenKnight - your target is the shiny one!


Go ahead hit one =)

You'll see the big gap in difficulty of this quest compared to the last two.

At this point they most likely will 1Hit KO you.
Luckily they aren't aggressive & atk slow in between hits.
You should struggle in this quest up until Lv.220 when you get your next cape.

 I really recommend getting 100 con into your stat points for this quest.
Head to Erion town in case you need to restat & talk to Restat Master NPC

So back in the quest if you keep dying alot, try hitting the smaller ones.
They only sometimes drop the quest item but should hit you for lower dmg.

Start from here on all the exp quest are now in a PK ZONE.
This means if you KillSteak or the other person is a dick he can kill you.

You can always hit the "K" key to turn on PK Mode but I don't recommend it!
This quest has a wide gap from 190's up to 260's 
so chances are the other guy has a big advantage.

Want to fight back against a quest bully? 
You can always go back & let him kill you a couple of times.
The bully will lose 3cp each time he kills you so keep coming back ^_^.
(type /cp to check your chaos points)

Eventually when chaos points start to go negative players will start to lose def, dex, & hp.
So the bully should either stop or be very weakened if he's stupid enough to keep killing you.

Note: Your cp goes up each time you level up +5 points.
When cp does negative & you die, you might drop items in your inventory.
Also the above does not help if he is only KSing you T__T

Quest Completed
You are will get the Heart of Kaizen

This lovely heart will give you an awesome +300k exp ^_^

A great added bonus you get 30k gold per heart!
(you will need it to buy potions lolz)

You will level up really quickly with 300k exp per heart so
at level 220 be sure to go do the Medal of Kingdom Quest!
(you will need the new cape's defense + hp boost!!^_^)

Note: Once you hit Lv.256 you will get 10 stats per Lv. until Lv. 300 :)

Once you hit lv 266 go to the next Exp Quest Immortality of Hydra
 Class Specific Info/Notes/Guide

Coming soon!~
 Im sure to spend lots of time doing each quest for gold etc so eventually 
I will get through all the classes & be able to fill in specific info for each one; 
TK(melee&mk), BM(elem,summoner,&melee), FM(map,battle,blood?),

Alternative Route

There really are none even with the help of hunting scrolls.
The closest it will get you will be near the entrance of Darkness Dungeon.

Final Notes: 
  •  The Exp Quest resets every 10min (All of them do =p)
  • There really are only 4 spots you can "park" your char where Boss spawns

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