Monday, December 26, 2011

Lv. 220 Medal of Kingdom Quest [Event Quest]

Required Lv: 220-255

Medal of Kingdom [Event Quest]

So now it is time for your to choose your cape!

But maybe the real reason that you are here is 
because you are dying alot in the Dark Knight Quest =)

Either way let's begin!

Heading To Quest

      Head over to Azran &
 head to the teleport to the left of the big water fountain.

So go through it then head to your left.
You will need to scroll one of the 2 bridges.
Bring up your map with "M" if you get lost:

Next you should see a staircase so head down it.

Just go in a straight line from here & you will reach the kingdom gates,
if you get lost just bring up the map again & go to the Neutral Zone:

Okay now you should be at the gates:

Just keep on going down until you reach the bigger area ahead.
Now you need to decide which kingdom you want to go to.
<--Go left for the blue kingdom
Go right for the red kingdom-->
(Right now it does not matter which one you head to so choose quickly!)


Up ahead you will find lots of people with blue/red capes.
DO NOT attack them! (even for fun)

At this point they will kill you in 1 hit &
they do not drop anything [except maybe you :)]

Look around & explore if this is your first time here =)
You are trying to get to the back where 2 towers are placed just below the long staircase:
(Do not attack the towers either - unless you want to feel the wrath of god)

On top you should see one more of those towers:

Just head to your left & find The guards NPC

Note: You will need to come back to this area later so look around & get familiar with it.
You should see the king around the middle of the room surrounded by guards 
(you will need him later)


Medal of Kingdom Quest

Click on The guards NPC to begin the quest! =)

Inside you should see alot of Death Knights & Death Knight Kings
Just like all the previous quests before this
your target is the shiny mob, Mr. DeathKnightKing

He is not as strong as those mobs in the Dark Knight quest so 
you should not die even if you still have the Lv. 1 set (just dont stand still =p)

Kill the smaller mobs in quest if you get bored. 
They may drop Ori powders :)

Note: It may take a long while to get this but it is worth it - especially for beginners.  
This might take a while so I suggest trying in the Channel with the highest drop rate

Quest Completed
Eventually after a while it will drop the Kingdom Emblem
Note: You can get into the quest at Lv. 220 but you need 1 more to be able to equip it lol.

Equip it in your "fairy" slot & then head once again back to the king.
This time you will need to decide whether you want a RED or BLUE cape.
To be honest you should go for whichever color you like best.
Later you will see what "political" role the cape may play in the game 
when you make god at the earliest if not then at the celestial level.

So take your pick & then talk to the King to get your new cape :)

Both of the capes have the same base stats of 75 DEF & 100 HP
Note: You can upgrade the cape with Laks or Oris - Don't recommend it =p

You are now done! 
Head back to the Dark Knight Quest and kick some ass ! ^_^


Alternative Route

If you don't get the item in your first try
I suggest you go to Erion & buy Desert Hunting Scrolls from the NPC
Then pick & go to the first Hell Spider

You should be just outside the Neutral Zone 
just on the opposite side so run inside :)
 Alternative Cape Method

Maybe you aren't new or you have gold to spend!
Well you can just buy your cape instead of taking all this time!

Simply go up to the king & click on him to know how many Sapphires you need to pay him

Notes: The amount will vary from 4 sapphires up to 64.
The cost is determined by which kingdom has more players.
More players = higher sapphire cost.

You can buy single sapphires or sapphire packs from the Kingdom shop NPC 
below each the stairs in each kingdom

1 Sapphire = 1mil 
10pack Sapphirre = 8mil
(Both before tax)

Notes: Only "none", green, or white capes can click on king to find out how
many sapphires it cost to get the cape.

Final Notes:
  • Quest resets every 10min like the exp  
  • The Kingdom Emblem cannot be tradedquests.
  • Unlike the exp quests you cannot save a spot close to warp to.
  • Blue/Red capes going into the opposite kingdom will be attacked on sight.

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