Sunday, February 19, 2012

Soul Character

Soul Character

Finally after all these shares you made it to Lv. 121 Celestial!
(Get ready to do it all over again!!!)

 So what is a Soul Character?
It's really just a second Celestial combined to the body of your first Celestial. 

Making Soul Character

You might of guess it already!
Making a Soul Character is almost how you make a Celestial

                                 You will need:
Ideal Stone


100 Fame

The Sephirot will determine what class your Soul Character is so choose carefully!! 
Your Soul can even be the same class as your Celestial 0.0

 Then right click the Ideal when you have all the items.

Right after clicking the Ideal Stone you will still be on the Celestial
 You need to use a Mystery Stone to switch over to Soul.

You can buy the Mystery Stone at Unknown Cont. for 1mil
 Also you will need to use one to switch back to your Celestial

Soul Class
Alright, Congratz on making your Soul!
 So just like when you first made your Cele - you will need to set your stats. 

You should have the base Celestial stats + 7stats for every 2 lv of your Cele
2605 base stats + 7*(Celestial level/2) = total Soul Stats

Last Skill
You will need 50mil to buy a Last Skill for your Soul
-Even if your Cele & Soul are the same class!!

Sephira Skills
The Soul will know all the Sephira Skills your Cele knew!
So be sure to get all those books on your Cele beforehand!!!
Any Sephira skill learn afterwards will not shared.

Soul Character does not need to unlock at Lv. 40/90 ^_^~!

*Celestial/Soul Cape is shared so it will be the same +
*Soul of Limit Skill is not shared
-Lv1 Soul will need to lv up to increase Soul of Limit duration
-Lv90 unlock 3min delay decrease will not affect Soul until lv90+

Why Make Soul Class?

 It seems just like more work to level up a char back from lv1
so what is the point of this Soul Character!?

For each 2 levels of your Soul, your Celestials gains +7 Stats 
~& vice-verse

 Also you can add stats to your Circlet as your level your Soul


I highly suggest you make your circlet +10 before lv121!

*Your character needs to be wearing the circlet when you
  reach that level in order for it to gain stats.
*If you de-level your Soul & reach one of those levels again 
you will not gain stats again even if it's a different circlet!

~Final Note!!~
Everything else is the same as a Celestial:
Stats per lv, exp gained, & exp drops.

Soul can be changed with 2k fame & sephiort
-Just QnA for GM to change your class!

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