Friday, April 27, 2012

Upgrading +10~11

Upgrading +10~11

So time to upgrade to the next level!

Maybe you are tired of your perfect stat +9 set?
(I highly recommend to imbue instead if it is D grade armor )

Making your perfect set +10 will require more than powders this time!

Trying +10

Yup. That's right, trying.
You need to find the NPC in Azran Town to help you try +10.
Trying +10 requires a few items:
*2 x +9 armor/shields/anct weapons of the same kind
*4 gems of the same type (Corals/Garnets/Emeralds/Diamonds)
*50mil gold
*Wiseman Stone
 Click on the NPC so the window pops up.
From top to bottom -
 Place the +9 items, followed by Wiseman Stone, & lastly 4 gems.

The 4 bottom windows will show you what are the 4 possible outcomes of passing +10.
 (i.e.)                 2 x +9 items with 30dmg/7crit                  
with show a +10 piece with 30dmg/7crit in all 4 windows =P

You can try +10 with +9 pieces that have different stats.
 (i.e.)  +9 with 30dmg/7 crit & +9 with 24dmg/6crit       
will show a +10 piece with:

Each of those stats has a 25% chance of what your armor will have if you do pass +10
so chances are low that you'll get what you want if you mix something like this!!

You can only try to +10 you item this way if they are:
Anct Weapons, Shields, or Armor.
Accessories cannot be made +10 - except for earrings.

Success Rate

The main thing that will determine the pass rate is the # of gems you use!

Here are the rates:
1 gem  -   8%
2 gems - 16%
3 gems - 24%
4 gems - 32%

Gems are so cheap so be sure to get 4!!!!

You can actually try to +10 something with just 1 gem - 8% pass rate.

Gratz!! You just made +10 :D

Your two items now combined into one +10 & stats increased by +10%
Also it should have gained a new "bonus" stat based on which gem you used:
Diamond: Increase drop rate by 8%
Emerald: 40 Pierce damage bonus
Garnet: 40 Absorb damage bonus   
Coral: Increases exp rate by 2%      

Anct weapons made +10 will gain double the above gem stat!

Enjoy your +10 & good luck on your next! 8)

You cannot combine(+10) normal +9 weapons.
Weapons must be made ancient before you can try to +10 them.

Sorry, better luck next time! :P
At least your 2 x +9 items are not gone hehe

I recommend always to have enough for two tries
so if you do fail you can try again within 5 seconds :D

Pass or fail - Wiseman stone, gems, & 50mil are lost!

One Higher +11

Wow, how hard was +10 huh?

You needed 2x of the same item to even try it lol
so +11 must be super harder to do right!?

Okay - to try +11 you just need LAKS!!!
Just drop LAKS onto your +10 item until you pass.

Why +11?

Why not?? You already came this way & you're only a few LAKS away!!

+11 Adds +20% increase to your items
& doubles the gem stat if it is AD or PD :D

Only on earrings will your item be destroyed if you fail +11

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