Thursday, May 31, 2012

How To Make Gold - Beginners

How To Make Gold

So I get this question asked the most often,
"How to I make gold?"

The simple ask is, hunt a mob & sell drops you get.
But what should you hunt?

Mobs to C.C.

So first up are mobs that die really easily.

You can AFK them if you have have extra bags 
or semi-AFK while you do something else.

These give both great exp & drops!
Especially after they were updated to drop most items

People often make big taron parties in the front of desert with healers.
You can try this which is great for exp but you might get lower drops.
The upside is that you will get healed & can afk longer without worrying.

Noteworthy drops:
*Lak & Ori Powders
*Concentration Book
*Resurrection Book 
*HP Earrings            

Just be sure to bring a healer if you plan to hunt alone!

Desert Hell Spiders
These are almost the same as Tarons but drops not as good.
It seems the GMs forgot to update them on drops when they did it on Tarons =o

Noteworthy drops:
*Lak & Ori Powders

These spiders are past Tarons so often people do not make parties for them
(So bring your own healer!!!)

These are mobs are lesser known by people but I really luv them =)
They are almost as good as Tarons - just will lower exp & higher hp.

Noteworthy drops:
*Lak Powders     
*Wiseman Stones
*Blk Harness Ess

Also the best part of Molochs is that they are in a non-PK zone!
p/s: They also don't have absolute damage ^_^

D.D. Mobs


Batz is sadly only as good as tarons but he doesn't drop alot of bad armor.
You can get:
    *AD SS
          *Adam Ores


You have seen already how much gold you made from the Exp Quests.
So you can always just make a new char & go "farm" some gold!

I sometime do this just to get some gold without having to sell items
while studying & checking in every now & then to click quest items.

The best amount of gold I've gotten total so far was around 180Mil,
not including all the scraps & powders that dropped ^_^!

Advanced Quest

So here are a few extra tips if you really want to focus making the most of this:

1)Preparing your next character early!
Beginning leveling a character & when it hits lv300,    
multi-log a 2nd lv1 char & party it so it gains exp.

This way you skip the first 2 quests by the time your 1st char hits 351.

2)Quest with more mortals!
Who said you have to only level one character at a time!?

I mentioned sometimes Quest while studying but if you're really into it
you can multi-log a 2nd or even a 3rd character!!

Usually it takes me 2 day to get to lv351 while semi-afking 
so if you have the time & commitment - you will make much more!

3)Get a Noob set!
I really suggest you invest some money into a +11 noob set.
This way you won't have any problems & will almost not use any pots.

Sure you can use a +9 perfect set but with the Laks it will takes
to make 4 pieces +9 & then LE - you might as well save up for the nb set.

4)Skip Cape Quests
The Cape does give you more def but it can take ages to find the item =(
Also having a noob set like I mentioned can help you skip this!

5)Borrow from your Celestial
Have a Mystic or Arcane Circlet not being used?
Borrow it for Questing! 

It'll really help & if you have any mount get that too :P

You can even make a little extra by doing the next Exp Quest 
to hit 355 so you get the perfect stat set to sell or use =p

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Furious SD Kingdom Wars

Furious SD Kingdom Wars

So I happened to be on during this weekend's Kingdom War
& also happened to have some free time to take a look!
(Not to mention that it was my once a month time that I actually was not AFK lolz)

Anywayz . . .

The Kingdom War looked so much fun!
Take a look at a couple of the pictures from SD's KW

I managed to not die & get these cool pics ^_^
I even saw the 3 Celestial Weapon holders in battle!

So I hope these fun wars continue
maybe one day I will be strong enough again to participate ^_^.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

SD Xtreme Update Teaser!


So this super big update for Supreme Destiny is just around the corner!

We got a really big list of things that would be coming.

The first of a few things that stick out is #2:
2. NEW SKILLS (Not just Modification)

Looks like we're finally going to get the 9th skill
(maybe even the 10th one!)
Our skill bar should be expanded to this one after the new patch!

Next little thing is:
13. New Mounts

We've actually gotten 4 "new" mounts so far that were not part of the originals
-The Black Fenrir/Tiger & The War Uni/BlkParade

They really weren't anything special but hey! it's something different.
  Maybe we'll be getting this in the upcoming back too:
The Kingdom horse "mounts" ;)

Also I think we'll see the return of "shiny" capes again
 If you forgot or didn't know,
each 1k frags represents one + on the cape.

And last little thing for today is maybe we'll see new costumes 
& hopefully for alot less than there current overpriced cost
There are probably 20+ costumes in other versions we have not gotten yet.

Hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer for this patch.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Begin SD - Step-By-Step Guide

Begin Supreme Destiny 

Here's a numbered guide on what to do if you are a beginner!
Follow these steps to become a strong Mortal :D

1)Level 1                                                        Newbie Land Training
Stay & train in the newbie land place (the area you spawn in).
You should play around & get to know how the auto attack system works - C.C. mode

You can also head to the end of the place to kill the boss.
Exchange the boss drop with the guard a the beginning for some goodies!

2)Level 30~35                                          Put On Your New Set & Weapon
 You will gain a new +8 set & new weapon around these levels.
The set is an upgraded version of the one you start out with so put it on ASAP.

The weapon is several times better than the one you start out with too.

3)Level 40                                                   Graveyard Experience Quest
Head over to the first exp Quest!
You will spend all your time in this quest until you hit
the limit & are ready for the next quest.

4)Level 101                                                        Get Your First Cape
Time your first green cape!
Do not miss this quest or you will have trouble later on.

5)Level 116                                              Carbuncle Experience Quest
Just like the graveyard quest, you will do this quest until the lv limit.
These first two quests are easy.

6)Level 191                                              Dark Knight Experience Quest
Make your way to the 3rd exp quest but be caution.
This quest is really tough so bring some potions!

7)Level 221                                            New Cape - Choose your Alliance
Now its time where you get your real cape.
Blue or Red Kingdom - take your pick.

8)Level 266                                                      Hydra Experience Quest 
Time for the 4th exp quest!
This one is easier but has a big level range
Beware of higher lv Pkers

9)Level 321                                                Dark Elves Experience Quest
Last of the beginner exp quests & the hardest!
Don't for get to run ^_^

10)Level 351                                                          Last Exp Quest
This last quest is totally option & I suggest skipping it.
Only do it up to lv 355
Or continue are strong enough & have the money for it.

11)Level 355                                                        Perfect Stat Set
This is why I suggested getting to lv355.
You will receive a perfect stat +0 set you can begin to upgrade!

12)Level 356~400                                                Keep Leveling Up
You will need to keep leveling up.
Either do that last exp quest or find some desert party.
Mortals get lots of exp so lv 400 should be easy after a few days.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mortal Stat Reset

Require Level: Mortal 1~299

Mortal Stat Reset

A new NPC was added to Erion Town not too long ago.
This NPC can reset all your stats so this is perfect for new players!

Restat Master NPC

Head over to Erion Town & you will find her near the statue.
One click on the NPC will reset 1000 of each stat!

Careful if you are testing a new build & check your level
because once you hit lv300 you will need to pay ~8.5mil to reset 100 stats!!
Other Uses

You can further take more advantage of this NPC if you are a more experience players.
Mortal items under grade [E] have stat restricts that result in wasted stats
(Like needed str to wear armor for a MAP Foema)
So head over the NPC & make sure you have the items on & reset.
Now you have the items on without meeting the requirements!

  • Making a Mortal a single stat (full str/dex/int)   
  • Testing out builds for a Mortal if you are new :)

You can never remove any of those items now 
where you don't need the requirements event by accident!!!
Your char would only be able to put on [E] items unless you reset

Remember - only Mortals 1~299 can use this =p

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Absolute Damage

Absolute Damage

Ever go in the desert to C.C. some Tarons with your Celestial or God
that has a +11 set & wonder how these weak mobs can still hurt you??

The answer - Absolute damage!

ABSO . . .WHAT?!

Yup, absolute damage!

Absolute damage was added to mobs like Tarons, Hell Spiders, etc
a while ago after a game update that increased how much exp they gave.
I am sure some of the stronger mobs had this before that update
but I cannot say for 100% because I was really weak before this.

How does it work?

So if you go to something like a Taron & take offer your set,
you can see that it should hit you harder than with it (duh!)
Let's say a Taron hits you for 350 dmg & then you lv up then maybe upgrade your cape.
As you gain more def or AD the 300 dmg starts going down eventually to 50~100dmg 
(As you would expect!)

Now absolute dmg comes it once you go below that 50-100dmg range that a Taron should do.

Let's say you get a +9 AD stone - which adds 20AD 
So now you lowered the dmg you take so much that it "resets" 
& you start taking 200~150dmg again!!!

 What to do?
There really is not much you can do about it :P
Mobs with absolute dmg will always do dmg to you no matter what your def or total AD is.

So someone like me who had a full +15 items would go to Tarons & 
still take damage like the other mortals who had a +11 Noob set on lolz

Slight Advantage

You can take advantage of this in a way though!

Say you're getting hit for 200-150 dmg.
Try taking off some AD stones or circlet to see if you get hit lower.

I have done this in the past with D.D. Batz & gotten him to hit me for around 50dmg 
so I would not need pots :D
Why Absolute damage?

So why does this even exist?
I think it's just a way to balance the game.

Honestly someone like a TK or BM with shield can easily reach 5k+ def
& without the absolute damage would be able to hit in like the middle of 4 verids 
and not take any damage at all.
Also the same goes for someone who is full +15.

When I had all +15 items - all clue mobs would hit me in the 100-200 range.
(except for clock lv)
Other strong mobs that couldn't really touch me:
*Lich Boss
*SF Verid
*D.D Batz
*SF Cursed

When all else fails - increase your dex!!!  :P

No amount of Absorb Damage can reduce Absolute Damage
Also Absolute Damage is not the same as Pierce Damage!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Upgrading +10~11

Upgrading +10~11

So time to upgrade to the next level!

Maybe you are tired of your perfect stat +9 set?
(I highly recommend to imbue instead if it is D grade armor )

Making your perfect set +10 will require more than powders this time!

Trying +10

Yup. That's right, trying.
You need to find the NPC in Azran Town to help you try +10.
Trying +10 requires a few items:
*2 x +9 armor/shields/anct weapons of the same kind
*4 gems of the same type (Corals/Garnets/Emeralds/Diamonds)
*50mil gold
*Wiseman Stone
 Click on the NPC so the window pops up.
From top to bottom -
 Place the +9 items, followed by Wiseman Stone, & lastly 4 gems.

The 4 bottom windows will show you what are the 4 possible outcomes of passing +10.
 (i.e.)                 2 x +9 items with 30dmg/7crit                  
with show a +10 piece with 30dmg/7crit in all 4 windows =P

You can try +10 with +9 pieces that have different stats.
 (i.e.)  +9 with 30dmg/7 crit & +9 with 24dmg/6crit       
will show a +10 piece with:

Each of those stats has a 25% chance of what your armor will have if you do pass +10
so chances are low that you'll get what you want if you mix something like this!!

You can only try to +10 you item this way if they are:
Anct Weapons, Shields, or Armor.
Accessories cannot be made +10 - except for earrings.

Success Rate

The main thing that will determine the pass rate is the # of gems you use!

Here are the rates:
1 gem  -   8%
2 gems - 16%
3 gems - 24%
4 gems - 32%

Gems are so cheap so be sure to get 4!!!!

You can actually try to +10 something with just 1 gem - 8% pass rate.

Gratz!! You just made +10 :D

Your two items now combined into one +10 & stats increased by +10%
Also it should have gained a new "bonus" stat based on which gem you used:
Diamond: Increase drop rate by 8%
Emerald: 40 Pierce damage bonus
Garnet: 40 Absorb damage bonus   
Coral: Increases exp rate by 2%      

Anct weapons made +10 will gain double the above gem stat!

Enjoy your +10 & good luck on your next! 8)

You cannot combine(+10) normal +9 weapons.
Weapons must be made ancient before you can try to +10 them.

Sorry, better luck next time! :P
At least your 2 x +9 items are not gone hehe

I recommend always to have enough for two tries
so if you do fail you can try again within 5 seconds :D

Pass or fail - Wiseman stone, gems, & 50mil are lost!

One Higher +11

Wow, how hard was +10 huh?

You needed 2x of the same item to even try it lol
so +11 must be super harder to do right!?

Okay - to try +11 you just need LAKS!!!
Just drop LAKS onto your +10 item until you pass.

Why +11?

Why not?? You already came this way & you're only a few LAKS away!!

+11 Adds +20% increase to your items
& doubles the gem stat if it is AD or PD :D

Only on earrings will your item be destroyed if you fail +11